Immigrants in Denmark are on the rise, almost tripling for the period 1981-2006.
The total number of immigrants and descendants in Denmark is 452,095, which is equivalent to 8.4% of the Danish population of 5.4 million. This information is based on register data from Statistics Denmark.
There is no register information on the number of Muslims in Denmark.
Statistics Denmark estimated that there were approximately 120,000 Muslims in Denmark as of 1 January 1999, but has carried out no calculations since that time.
Researchers estimate that there are currently some 210,000 Muslims in Denmark.
The number of immigrants and their descendants of working age has increased from 108,000 to 326,000 in the period 1981-2006. Especially, the number of immigrants and their descendants from non-western countries has increased. There were 36,000 immigrants and descendants from non-western countries aged 16-64 in 1981, while the figure was 221,000 in 2006.
Immigrants’ activity rate is lower than that of persons of Danish origin. Immigrants from non-western countries account for the lowest activity rate of 56.4 per cent. Simultaneously, the difference between men’s and women’s activity rate is relatively large.
Descendants from non-western countries have a higher activity rate (64.8 per cent) than immigrants, and the difference between men’s and women’s activity rate is smaller than that of immigrants. The group of descendants of working age is still relatively small, and consequently caution should be exercised in interpreting the figures. Furthermore, most descendants of working age are between 16 and 30 years, implying that many attend an education and are subsequently not necessarily economically active.
Denmark may be the smallest country in Scandinavia, but is ranked the world's 11th most free economy.
Source: Dst, Nyidanmark
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